Friday, August 19, 2011

Dog That Stole My Heart


The boys have been wanting a dog for some time now. We told them once we bought a house, we would get a dog. We bought the house last summer. Next we told them once we got a fence, we would get a dog. We got the fence this summer. So of course, they want the dog. I have been procrastinating. Really didn't want a dog, until now. Took the boys to the park today, and ran into Joe and Barbara, part of the North Carolina Rottweiler Rescue. They had a rescue rott name Pixie at the lake. She was beautiful and I fell in love. So did the boys!


She was running around, chasing fireflys, jumping in the lake. Just the sweetest dog. On the ride home the boys and I talked about all the fun we could have with Pixie and wanting to adopt her. Also, how we would convince Fonzy we wanted her. Then we talked about the cost of adopting Pixie - $300.


That didn't stop the boys. They said we could raise the $300. Have another garage sale, a lemonade stand, a fund raiser. It would be easy to raise $300. Kids - they believe anything is possible. And it is if you want something bad enough. I'm just glad they were willing to work for the money to get Pixie. So we will see what we can do. But first we have to convince Fonzy!



  1. So it was a good thing you guys went to the park. You got to see her in a normal environment, her reaction to things. And you fell in love ;-)

  2. Yep Caroline! If it's meant to be it will happen.
