Monday, March 3, 2008


Kid's don't use their imaginations anymore. With the WII, Playstation, Nintendo, and whatever else is out there, who needs to use their imagination. Fonzy decided that Ezekiel and Elijah would not have video games, and I agreed. I hear other parents complain about how their kids are glued in front of the TV playing these games. You know what, stop complaining and take the games away!!!!

Back in the day, we had to use our imagination. We had Barbies, babydolls, Lincoln Logs, Little people, Legos, Monopoly, Mr. Potato Head, Weebles (remember Weebles? Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!) We had toys that you had to use your imagination. We were made to go OUTSIDE and play. OUTSIDE! Try telling kids today they need to go out and play. What??? No TV, No video games! Play??? What the heck am I suppose to play with? We would play outside for hours. We had no choice, you were not allowed in the house, unless you had to pee, and you had better pee too!

Eljah is a kid with an imagination. He hates being inside, hates just sitting in front of the TV. He wants to play basketball, football, baseball. He wants to rollerblade, he wants to go outside and just play with sticks. And when he can't go outside, he will play with toys! Legos, matchbox cars, wrestlers, Uno (his new fascination). He's happy with some paper and tape, creating things. I think Fonzy made a wise decision in not having video games, because now Ezekiel and Elijah have to expand their minds, use their imagination...and that's a great part of being a kid.

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