Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fun and Laughter

I’ve never been a touchy, feely kind of mom. Sure, I’ve hugged and kissed my boys, but it’s not something I do on a regular. It was that way with Samuel and Manuel, and now with Ezekiel and Elijah. I don't know why I’m not that mom who hugs and kisses her kids all the time. I always seem to be the mom who is yelling and screaming. And you know what, I don't like it. I don’t like being the mean mom, instead of the fun-loving mom. I love my boys, and I feel they know it, but I think I need to show it more often.

Last night Elijah sat next to me on the couch with his blanket and wanted me to read excerpts about Presidents out of a book he got from school. After reading about Obama, Lincoln, and Washington, we switched to a classic Judy Blume book, “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.” While Elijah was reading I told Ezekiel to grab my camera.

I got a few shots of Elijah as he read, and then it turned into a silly picture taking with both boys. We made faces, laughed, giggled and just had fun! For once, I was the fun-loving mom and I loved it!

As the boys got into bed after our picture taking, they both told me goodnight and that they loved me. They don't do that very often. It felt good. No…it felt awesome, all of it! The laughter and the love!




1 comment:

  1. Your post warmed my heart. I hope you and your boys continue on this path of fun and silliness - it will most certainly bring you all closer together! :)
