Don't you just love getting surprises in the mail. Something special besides bills, bills, and MORE BILLS!
I do!
When I was younger, I wrote letters. Long, lengthy letters to friends and family. There was nothing better than getting a letter in the mail. I hate snail mail has gone to the wayside. I think we need to bring letter writing back.
Yesterday was a good mail day. I was part of a swap on Ravelry, Things That Go Bump in the Night Swap and got my package. It was filled with goodies and an awesome Rebecca Danger Monster.
For non-knitters who are not sure what a swap is, it's a group of knitters who get paired with a partner and they make a knitted object, stalk them online, learn other things they like and send a package to them. It's all for fun, and a way to get to know other knitters.
Knitters are awesome by the way!

Meet Vampira and her minion. According to her creator, Vampira has a secret....she's a vegetarian. No blood for her. I'm waiting for my swap partner to receive her package, then I can post the monster I made for her.
OMG, I love it! So so cute. LOL at her minion, nice touch.