So tomorrow starts the 31 Days - Writing Challenge and I've decided to write about my doll knitting. This is really going to challenge my writing creativity skills. I knit every day, but to write about knitting everyday....well....that's another story.
I have a few posts planned out, starting with my inspiration for doll knitting. I'm in the process of knitting a doll now, so will share my progress, thoughts, and anything else I can come up with.
Let the fun begin!
31 Days of Doll Knitting!
Day 1 - My Inspiration for Knitting Dolls
Day 2 - The Beginning
Day 3 - The Body
Day 4 - Head
Day 5 - Arms
Day 6 - Legs and Mary Janes
Day 7 - Legs, Short Rows and Fall
Day 8 - The Dress
Day 9 - The Dress Continues and Zac Brown Band Concert
Day 10 - The Doll Pieces
Day 11 - Dress Continues
Day 12 - Dress Continues
Day 13 - Dress! Almost Done
Day 14 - Dress Done!
Day 15 - Stuffed!
Day 16 - Doll - I Am Not My Hair
Day 17 - Hair
Day 18 - Hi
Day 19 - Done!