Wanted: a toothfairy who is reliable! That's it...you don't have to be proactive, think outside the box, or work very hard. You can even come to work in your PJ's....just be RELIABLE! Show up when you are suppose to. If you are a toothfairy that fits this description, please contact me at the Mami-Dearest hotline.
Ezekiel lost another tooth and the toothfairy has forgotten for 3 nights! We told him the toothfairy will probably leave him $5 this time since she is such a slacker....read here.
I've noticed the price of a tooth keeps going up....I blame Bush.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Why Mami Dearest

“Joan stalks into Christina's bedroom in the middle of the night, her face covered with beauty cream ,and discovers one of the child's dresses hanging on a wire hanger. Joan launches into a frightening tirade, screaming at the girl that she had forbidden wire hangers, viciously tearing apart her closet, and then beating the girl with the hanger. The fight continues when Crawford stumbles into Christina's bathroom and feels that she has not obeyed her orders to scrub the floor that day. Furious that the child doesn't understand her notion of cleanliness, Joan destroys the bathroom as well, beating Christina with two cans of scouring powder and hurling the cleanser over everything. Finally she leaves the girl with an angry order to "clean up this mess" all by herself.”
Couldn’t forget this…..
Joan Crawford: Did you scrub the bathroom floor today? DID YOU?
Christina Crawford: Yes, Mommie.
Joan Crawford: Yes, Mommie what?
Christina Crawford: Yes, Mommie Dearest.
Joan Crawford: When I told you to call me that, I wanted you to mean it.
Now…I’m not saying I beat my kids with wire hangers or comet cans, but I have been known to yell a lot, give out whoppings when needed and wear a green mask to bed. I may have even been TEMPTED to throw comet all over the bathroom, and have them clean it up. So maybe that’s why my kids have called me Mami Dearest on occasion….hence the title of my blog.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving recap - we ate and we rode
We didn't have the traditional Thanksgiving this year. Yes, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Yes, we had turkey, stuffing, ham, greens, yams, mac-n-cheese, ribs(not so traditional) broccoli cheese casserole, mashed potatoes, arroz con gandules, deviled eggs, ambrosia(fruit salad), millionaire pies, and pumpkin pies. We ate until we were stuffed! Normally, we lay around, watch football, then head back for seconds. Not us....we ate, then we rode....four wheelers, mini motorcycles and a horse!

Rough Rider gang

Fonzy and Ezekiel

Fonzy and Elijah

Karen and TJ

Karen and Jay

Fonzy and some fat chick
(I really need to lose weight. YUCK)

Jay and Ezekiel

Marge - Karen's 87yr old friend, and yes, we had her on a four wheeler. She is a ride or die chick.

Jay and Uncle Charlie



Penny, Uncle Charlie, Karen, Marge, and the same fat chick(me)

Thanksgiving full moon
Fonzy, my sexy rough rider - ok, it's not a Harley, but he is still sexy

Rough Rider gang

Fonzy and Ezekiel

Fonzy and Elijah

Karen and TJ

Karen and Jay

Fonzy and some fat chick
(I really need to lose weight. YUCK)

Jay and Ezekiel

Marge - Karen's 87yr old friend, and yes, we had her on a four wheeler. She is a ride or die chick.

Jay and Uncle Charlie



Penny, Uncle Charlie, Karen, Marge, and the same fat chick(me)

Thanksgiving full moon

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Football Fun
Today was a beautiful fall day, sunny, about 75 degrees, with the smell of fallen leaves. I wanted to stay outside and enjoy the weather, but of course there was cleaning to do.....like always. However, the boys, Ezekiel, Elijah and McAdam (Vicki's son) decided to enjoy the day.....playing football. And I enjoyed it to for a little bit too, taking pictures.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy 30th Birthday Suzy Q!
Susan, I wish I could be there with you to celebrate this special day. 30! You are officially an adult. You know at 20, you can still get away with doing crazy things and blame it on your age, but once you hit 30, you are expected to know better. Do we know better? Sometimes I wonder.
I miss you and love you always!

I can't believe we've been friends for 10yrs! It seems just like yesterday we met at Sitel. I could not stand you! Yep, you got on my last nerve. I don't know what it was about you, but I know you felt the same way about me. We just could not get along. I don't know what happened, but one day we became the bestest (is that even a word) of friends. I guess we figured we had to work together, so we might as well make the best of it. Or maybe it was our love of food. Yeah, I bet it was our love of food. We were always looking for something to eat. Remember all our orders from Steak Express and our breakfast burritos from Hernandez. Oh, and we can't forget our love of coffee! I wish we could share our morning coffee again. Nothing was better than our morning coffee and gossip! Oh...and frappacinos and bagels from J's. I could go on and on. I think our whole friendship was based on food then.
We've been through a lot in these 10yrs, we've laughed together, cried together, fought with each other, had babies, and gotten married, and yes in that order. I pray we have many more years together.
Sitel's picnic, doing what we did best....EATING!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Chilly Fall Nights
There's nothing better on chilly fall nights like a cup of hot chocolate w/marshmallows and Betty Boop slippers.
Rockerfeller Tree Lighting - NC Style
Last night we went to Durham's Tree lighting, which, by the way, was nothing like NYC, but hey, they tried.

The boys, Elijah, Ezekiel and TJ

Me and Karen (my sister)
Here's the great tree

The boys, Elijah, Ezekiel and TJ

Me and Karen (my sister)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Psycho Shower Scene

Whenever I'm in the shower, I keep my eyes open at all times. I don't care if there is soap in my eyes, I want to see what is going on, cause once you close your eyes or turn your back from the curtain (like the picture above) that's when they....whoever they are....strike.

The other night, I was taking a shower and out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a shadow on the shower curtain. The shampoo was burning my eyes, but I kept them open. I turned toward the water, and I swore I saw the shadow again. I thought maybe it was Fonzy, so I peeked out the curtain...nothing. I hurriedly rinsed my hair and got out. This has happened a few times. Then just this morning, while I was in the shower, getting ready for work, I set my toothbrush (yes, I brush my teeth in the shower) on the little caddy that holds the shampoo, etc on the shower head. I turned my back to the water and a few seconds later, I heard something behind me. I turned and my toothbrush was laying on the tub floor. It was like someone had thrown it. The reason I say that, was because if it had just fell, the toothbrush would be UNDER the caddy, but it was so close to me, it almost hit me and I was at the other end of the tub/shower. I'm starting to think I'm going crazy, or maybe the medicine I'm taking is having an effect on me. Remember, one of the possible side effects is hearing or seeing things that are not there. Hmmm.....all I know is I don't want to end up like Miss Thang below.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Template Giveaway - Splat Designs!

Lindsay over at Splat Designs is having a Holiday Template giveaway. I love her designs....she did my cute Betty Boop header. Go on over and sign up, or not....at least my chances would be higher if you didn't.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
NaBloPoMo - No More
OK, I really tried, but as you can see, I did not succeed with NaBloPoMo. I missed 2 days. But wait, I did post twice on another day, does that count? No....hey, I tried. I'm not quitting though. I will try to continue with posting, but I can't guarantee it will be everyday.
BTW....I'm feeling better.
BTW....I'm feeling better.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Bringing home the bacon
My office, where I work hard to bring home the bacon....
Here's my desk. I'm sure you could figure that out. See Betty on the wall.
Here's my desk. I'm sure you could figure that out. See Betty on the wall.

This is my little sitting area across from my desk. Hopefully I only get one employee at a time in my office, because Betty would hate to give up her seat.

Here's my bulletin board with pictures and Ezekiel and Elijah's art.

This is my filing cabinet/table under my bulletin board.
More Betty Boop loot...do you think I need to go to Betty Boop Anonymous? Hi, my name is Mami Dearest and I'm a Betty Boop Fanatic.

And this is my office when I work from home....my dining room table.
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