Look for the beauty all around you.
The boys rooms are finished! Well, mostly finished. We have a few more items to hang up in their rooms, but other than that, we are done! Yay! We are too happy to have them done. Fonzy and I are tired of painting! We painted the loft this weekend also, and have decided no more painting this year! Our room will have to wait until next summer.
The first room is Elijah's room. We stained his furniture this darker color before we moved. The picture below is Fonzy staining it. See how light it was. It looks so much better dark - looks like a brand new bedroom set.
Elijah slept in his room maybe twice and has been sleeping with Ezekiel. He said he will be ready to sleep in his own room when he is 11 or 12. He is 8 now. Uh..yeah.
I love having a house. It feels good to round the corner on the cul de sac, see the house and pull into the driveway. Sometimes I just sit there a minute and take it all in. It's starting to feel like home.
While searching for a house, we briefly considered an older home. Older homes seem more sturdy, and have character instead of the new subdivision cookie cutter homes. As you can see, we got the cookie cutter and I couldn't be happier! First - we are the one and only owners, and that means no old ghosts floating around. Yes, I believe in ghosts and Fonzy has lived in several houses with ghosts, so a new house was the way to go. Plus, with a new home, you know what you are getting. No old heaters breaking, rotted floors or anything like that. It's all spankin', sparkly new!
During the last walk-thru before closing I took BEFORE pictures. We are working on the AFTER. We have been painting, and it already looks totally different.