You know one of the good things of having a grown son? Having someone else cook! Manuel doesn't mind cooking and his second night here, he made us chicken and steak fajitas. They were good! He even set the table. I can't remember the last time I set the table. We normally just grab a plate and sit down. He cooked a few times while he was here and cleaned the kitchen almost every night for me.
Another good thing of having a grown son, he can drive and run errands for me! It was great when I needed something from the store and I didn't have to go. I could just send him!
I miss him.....and not just for the cooking, cleaning and errand running.....but I sure do miss that too!

This was Elijah and Ezekiels first time seeing their little neice and nephew. Uncles at 10 and 12! Carmen loved Ezekiel and Elijah. She liked playing with Elijah and he was always willing to play with her.
When Ezekiel came home the day they left, he said the house seemed empty and was too quiet. I guess he got use to the crying and screaming. Carmen can definitely scream! I gave her the nicname of Screaming Mimi!
Before the Grandbabies arrived, I wanted to have another baby. I thought 41 wasn't too old to have another, right? Wrong! I am too old for babies! I forgot how much work they are! They are little cuties, but it's good to be able to hand them over to their parents when they are crying and screaming or need diaper changing! Or when Grandma needs a nap!
Grandma! I sometimes still can't believe I'm a Grandma! I still remember Manuel as a chunky little baby. I know as parents we all say time flies, but it really and truly does!