Monday, February 23, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

...try, try again!

OK, so I've been talking about losing weight for a while, with no success. I guess the problem is I've been talking and not doing, so I'm really doing now. Summer is right around the corner and I will not be fat this summer. I'm back on the South Beach diet. The last time I got to Day 2 or 3 and fell off the wagon. The first two weeks of South Beach is HARD! You cut out all pasta, bread, potatoes and sugars. Do you know how hard that is??? Take it from me, it's hard. But I'm better prepared this go round. Karen, Vicki and I are all on the diet so I have someone to keep me motivated. Karen and I also got books, recipes and went grocery shopping this weekend for what we need. Since we work together, we are able to keep each other on the diet during the day, then all we have is dinner on our own. I'm on day 2 and feeling good about the whole thing. I did good yesterday, I had a veggie omelet for breakfast, snacks was Laughing Cow cheese (which is very good by the way) with celery, and dinner was baked chicken breast with cabbage and water to drink all day. Surprisingly, I was not hungry during the day and the recipes were very good. I think I'm going to twitter my day on South beach. I think it will help me stay on it. I may need some cheering...."Go Mami Dearest! Go! You can do it" Especially since Fonzy and I have a bet for $100. He said he could lose double what I lose in a month. He's on! I don't think he can do it. I'm just determined to get back into size 9/10. I'm squeezing into 12's right now....squeezing being the operative word. I'll be exercising daily, so that should help too. I will fit into my 9/10's by this summer! There is no doubt about it.


  1. You go girl I am with you all the way!!!! I am losing so I am hot this summer won't be able to look at us without burning your eyes lol

  2. Oh that's not fair.. Men lose more then women.. It's a fact. You can do a search on that too.

    I'm rooting for you!

  3. Hey Lisa...yeah, I've heard that, but Fonzy is not trying too hard, eating junk and not sticking to my diet and not working out. So I will have no problem winning :)
