Tuesday, June 19, 2007

To Publish or Not to Publish...that is the Question

I have at least 3 drafts sitting in my post section waiting for me to hit publish. The question is, why haven't I published them yet? Could it be the procrastinator in me or maybe I'm just hesitate to publish my thoughts. That was the whole purpose of this blog, right? To put my thoughts down, to share my life with family, friends and I guess strangers too. I really don't care if anyone reads or what they think, or do I? Hmmm, could that be the reason I haven't hit the publish button, because deep down, I'm concerned of what people will think??? Why should I care what people think, right? This is my life and no matter how boring or exciting it is, it's mine! All the joys, the heartaches, the drama, whatever it is....and I only have one life, so why not document it for my boys and maybe one day my grandkids, great grandkids, and so on to have. When they no longer have me, they will have my thoughts, my words...a little piece of me. Something I wish I had of my own mom....


  1. Your blog is so darn cute!!! How'd you get that locator?? let me know girl!!

    From Lisa

  2. Your blog is so darn cute!!! How'd you get that locator?? let me know girl!!

    From Lisa
