My knitting journey began when I was about 13. My Mom was a knitter, and taught me. The first item I knit was a little stuffed horse. Not sure why that was what I wanted to knit. I guess I just always loved horses. Once finished, I gave my little horse away to baby I would babysit. I didn't knit another thing until 25 years later.
I don't remember much of what my Mom knit. The only project I remember were dolls she knit for my cousins. I remember them being big, and having their initials. If I recall correctly, she made 3. I remember wanting one, but for some reason she never knit me one. Just her nieces. One of those dolls still exist 30+ years later.
My cousin Tyra still has what she calls her "T doll". T has traveled with her across states to college, marriage and having 3 babies. She's had to replace her hair, add stuffing and sew her up some, but she's still here. Loved and cherished.
When I started knitting dolls, I wanted to see the cherished T doll my Mom had made so many years ago. On a recent trip to Atlanta, I finally got to see her. I can't tell you what it meant to hold the doll my Mom knit over 30 plus years ago. To see her knit stitches, so much like mine. To picture her knitting the doll with all the love I'm sure she felt for Tyra. And when finished, how she must have smiled and couldn't wait to give it to her. I wonder if she knew how much that knit doll would mean to Tyra, that she would have it still all these years later.
When knitting dolls, I feel a connection to my Mom. This is something we share and a legacy I can carry on. I hope the recipients of my dolls love and cherish them as much as Tyra loves her T. That little girls will hug them as they sleep at night, and when they are off into this big world, the doll could still bring them comfort. That it's cherished and passed down to Grandbabies. And to know that each stitch was knit with love and thoughts of a Mother gone too soon, but never, ever forgotten.
I'm participating in the Write 31 Days - Doll Knitting. You can see all my posts here.