Let is snow!
During this time of year, I long for snow. Like really LONG for snow. Growing up in Dunkirk, NY right on Lake Erie, we always had a white Christmas. I can't recall one year we didn't have one. When I left home, I was so glad to be done with snow. I never thought I would miss it, but every year during the holidays nostalgia hits, and it hits hard! And I want snow!
I think we all long for the Christmas magic of our childhoods. I remember Christmas Eve laying awake in my bed, watching the snow fall, listening for the pitter-patter of reindeer on the roof. I swear I heard them once. And Christmas morning! As a kid there was nothing on earth better than Christmas morning! NOTHING!
Every year I go back to my childhood home for Christmas. My mind takes me there. And for just a few moments the magic is back.
And I have my white Christmas.