Happy New Year!
With every new year, I think about all the things I want to accomplish in this new year. It always seem to be the same things - a better wife, mother and Christian. Some days I think I'm doing ok, and others I feel like a total failure. This year I will continue to evolve into the Isaida I want to be.
Evolve - my word for 2013.
1. to develop gradually: to come forth gradually into being
I have some new endeavors for 2013. Opening an Etsy shop is one of them. I'm still working on the details, but hope to share soon.
Now you are probably wondering what cinnamon rolls have to do with evolving. Nothing really. I just wanted to document that I made homemade cinnamon rolls today. It was a LONG almost 3 hour process and the results were not so good. I followed the recipe to a T, so not sure where I went wrong, but I've learned I much prefer Pillsbury cinnamon rolls! Less work, and taste much better.