Monday, June 11, 2012

Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!

We have lot's of flowers sprouting up around our house. That bright orange flower is some tropicals we got at the farmers market. We were told they would spread and become quite large. They have spread, so we are happy about that. The flowers are pretty, but very thin.

We were surprised by that purple/pink flower. Fonzy didn't remember planting them last year, but here they are. There are about 4 of those plants, and we have no clue what they are.

The little purple and white flowers are the wildflowers I planted with my sunflowers. Fonzy said they look like weeds and grass. I would have to agree. Not at all like the picture on the packet. I probably won't plant the wildflowers next year.  I guess we will see what they turn up during the summer.
The gladiolus are starting to bloom. These are by far one of my favorite flowers. Fonzy planted them last year and I'm so excited they came up again.

On to what I'm really can't wait to see bloom - the sunflowers! The picture above are the hybrid sunflowers. They should be maroon. And all that grass looking stuff are wildflowers. Not one flower in sight yet. Oh well. As long as my sunflowers bloom I will be happy!

Below are the traditional yellow sunflowers. Do you see my little bulbs! I tell you, I can't wait for them to bloom! The anticipation is killing me!
sunflower bulbs


  1. I love your flowers. They are looking good.

  2. I'm so jealous! I wish I had a backyard to plant some flowers. We passed Home Depot yesterday and they had so many flowers outside. Next time I might pick up one to put it on our dinning table. :-)
