Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Flashback

I'm not really sure how old I was in this picture, somewhere between 6-8 I'm guessing. This was a traumatic time in my life. Why you ask? What could be so traumatic at that age? Well, I will tell you. This was when my mom cut ALL MY HAIR OFF! See, I had long, beautiful curly hair. It was so thick and heavy that when she would wash it, I had a hard time lifting my head up from the weight of it. But when you have long, thick, curly hair, that someone else had to take care of, you cannot and should not be tender headed and unfortunately I was. Getting my hair combed was a form of torture! I recall my hair being pulled, and brushed so sharply I thought it was being ripped from my head, of being bopped on the head with the brush because I would not sit still, of ballies* being snapped and hitting me upside the head, and the tears. Oh the tears I would cry from the agony of getting my hair combed. Finally my mom had had enough!

Fine!” she said, “You don’t want to sit still and get your hair combed, we can fix that!”

And off she went in search of scissors. Once she found them, she put my hair in a ponytail and chopped it all off!!! Oh the horror! I couldn’t believe she had just cut all my hair off! I cried and cried and cried! Of course she wasn’t a beautician, so the cut was jacked up!

Luckily I had an aunt who was a beautician and she was able to fix my hair. If that's what you call that cut up there....fixed!
I remember being laughed at by my cousins and at school. It was a very traumatic time for me I tell ya. And it took years, LONG years for my hair to grow back.


  1. You call it ballie, we called them knockers

  2. LOL...I had tons of ballies, every color imaginable and they had to be the big ones...little one broke because my hair was so thick.
