We finally made it to the beach today! We've been trying to go to the beach for the past 3 weekends, but every time I would check the weather, it was predicting rain. Finally this weekend, weather.com said it was going to be in the 90's and sunny......NO RAIN! We couldn't ask for a better day. We got up bright and early, loaded up the truck and off we went. I think I was more excited than the kids. I could spend all my time at the beach. Once we got to the beach, it took us over 30 minutes to find a parking space. We finally found a spot, and got all our stuff out, cooler, which was heavy as I don't know what. It was big enough for dead body, and carrying it to the beach, it felt like we had a dead body in it. Fonzy and I carried the cooler, the boys carried towels, blanket and sand toys. We finally made it to the beach, laid out our blanket and hit the water. It was gorgeous! The water was warm, the waves were big and the sun was shinning............for about an hour and half. Then the clouds rolled in, the thunder pounded and lightening struck! On the day weather.com said was going to be PERFECT, NO RAIN! I could not believe it. Fonzy went to move the truck closer, while the boys and I packed up all our stuff. By the time Fonzy got backed, it had started to rain. We all got soaked, luckily it was a warm rain. We decided to sit out the storm in the truck, we ate our lunch and waited for the rain to stop, which it did, about an hour later. The sun came from behind the clouds and we were back on the beach. It lasted all of about an hour and the rain came back again! I guess it wasn't meant for me to be at the beach. We got rained on twice. I swear, we should of went these past weekends when weather.com predicted rain, because I betcha you anything, it didn't rain then!

Me, ready to hit the beach....see it was nice and sunny when we hit the road

In the car, ready to go....only Zay posed for the picture, Ezekiel and Elijah were too busy watching a DVD
Wrightsville Beach, here we come...see sunny.
Finally! At the beach!

Look at Ezekiel's face.......PRICELESS! Seagulls were flying close by and he thought they were going to get him.....he is so scary!
then the storm clouds rolled in.....that is Fonzy going to move the car closer so we could pack up
the boys posing after we packed up everything, waiting for Fonzy to get back.

on the way home, once the rain started again :(