The Sunday Cardigan - my new project

Looking back through the memories of my Instagram account I've noticed I'm a creature of habit. I've had memories from years past pop up of baking something and realize I baked the same thing on the exact date. The same with my knitting. The past 3 years at this time of year I'm knitting with burnt orange yarn. Seasonal Rhythms. I feel it strongly this time of year and my soul seems to crave burnt orange yarn. Last year at this time I was knitting this Silver Monk Sweater. I finished all the knitting, but never seamed it up. I hate seaming! I couldn't start a new Fall sweater without finishing this one, so for two nights I seamed and my Silver Monk sweater is done!
I've realized with this project I'm not a fan of cotton yarn and won't use it again. And while I love the design of the sweater with the V in the back, it's too low, so the sweater will probably get worn around the house. My new project, with burnt orange of course, is the Sunday Cardigan knit with wool. I'm so excited for this sweater and know it will be worn!
Here's to Fall and my seasonal rhythms!
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