Growing up my Mom often called me Bruja (witch in Spanish), mostly when my hair was a tangled mess! She would say I looked like a Bruja and needed to get my hair brushed. I hated to get my hair brushed! It was torture! But I think being a Bruja stuck, so here I am!
Since I had to come to work today, I decided to use some of my new sewing skills and sew a fun Halloween skirt. I love Tim Burton movies, Beetlejuice, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Coraline. They are some of my favorites, so I picked material from Nightmare Before Christmas. It's kind of hard to see the print, but Jack and Sally are on it. I convinced my sister to go with me to Historic Oakwood Cemetery here in Raleigh to take pictures. I'm always on the lookout for great places to take pictures and Oakwood did not disappoint. Luckily Karen goes along with all my madness, and was happy to walk amongst the graves with me. That's what sisters are for!
I had so much fun with these pictures. All I was missing was a broom!
Happy Halloween Peeps!