I decided to take this week of Thanksgiving off. Fonzy and boys have school the first part of the week, so it's just Titus and I hanging out at home. I plan on knitting, doing some baking and cooking and just relaxing the next couple of days. Today the temperature was in the 70's. Too nice to be indoors, so Titus and I ventured out to check out the trails right in our hood.
The air was heavy with the scent of rain, but there was a warm breeze. Most of the leaves have already fallen from the trees. Fall is so fleeting. I wish it would last longer.
Titus and I walked and walked. Just my thoughts, the rustling leaves, the jingle of Titus's dog tag, and curvy railroad tracks and trails. I love walking on railroad tracks. Looking ahead and seeing them curve around a bend. There's something magical about them to me. The promise of a journey, of places unknown....just around the bend.
I'm so thankful for this life of mine. For the simple things like walking, the company of a much loved dog, and enjoying the beauty that's right here.