This past weekend, my sister and I experimented with cupcakes! I'm the "out the box" kinda girl when it comes to cupcakes with frosting out the container. I've never made cupcakes from scratch until now.
My office is having a Valentines Bake Sale on Valentines Day and I wanted to make something different, so searched online for cupcake recipes and found this one -
French Toast & Bacon cupcakes w/Maple Buttercream frosting. My first thought was - mmmmmm.....bacon! My second was - In a cupcake? I wanted something different and this definitely was different.
Making cupcakes from scratch is a lot different from out the box. I'm sure you all know this. But remember, I won that fancy Kitchen Aid mixer, so I have to use it, right. It's takes a little more time (and a bigger mess) to bake from scratch, but I think the results are so worth it. I even got fancy and bought a started cupcake decorating kit. I was a little worried about making the buttercream frosting. Someone told me it can be hard to do, but I had no problems. The cupcakes and the frosting were yummylicious! And they looked pretty too! I was so happy with the way they turned out! So Wednesday evening I will be baking another batch for the bake sale. I can't wait to see how people react to bacon in a cupcake!
I have other cupcake recipes to try. I might just start a series of cupcake posts!
In other news, I knit another babydoll! This is my 5th one and soon will be off to her new home.