One year dye free!! What can I say about this journey. First off, it flew by! And I thought I would be so much further along! When I decided to stop dyeing my hair, I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with it. I just knew I was tired of dyeing my hair every two weeks. The first few months are the hardest. I'd get strange looks, people telling me I would look old, was letting myself go. So many negative comments and naysayers. There were times I'd think about hitting the dye bottle again, but I resisted and so glad I did!
I really feel this journey is so much more than hair. I think about my Mom, who died at the age of 31 from cancer, my son who died at 19. They weren't given the gift of long life. Long enough to see the sparkle of grey in their hair. I have been granted this time on earth and I'm no longer going to hide that I am getting older. Guess what? We are all getting older! Every single day! And it's beautiful and a gift many were not granted! This journey has been about accepting myself, just as I am, not conforming to what others or society deems as beautiful. I've noticed so many women embracing their grey. We are not letting ourselves go, we are beautiful, unique, strong and starting a revolution!
The pictures below are my journey so far. They are mostly in order, and I'm so glad I took pictures to document this year. What a year it's been! I feel magical with my white hair! I can't wait to see how it grows and transforms in this new year!

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