This is such a magical time! I've loved reading all the letters. Some pulled at my heartstrings, some had me laughing until I was in tears. Fonzy said I was having way too much fun with this. And you know what? I am! Once my boys stopped believing in Santa, the magic was gone. This has bought the magic back. The sweet innocence of kids asking to be put back on the nice list, and saying they will be good and get along with their brother. To ones wanting a chainsaw so he can help his PopPop chop wood, and ones that asked how Santa and his elves were doing then stating, "enough chit chat! Let's get to the point. Here's what I want for Christmas" One broke my heart saying all they wanted was a winter coat, while another asked to please give presents to the less fortunate, and world peace. How I wish for the same thing.
I love that the post office takes the time out of their day to pull all the letters to Santa to ensure he receives them. Little doses of magic all around.
I'm writing a letter to Santa myself to let him know I'm here to help out next year if he gets behind.
I still believe.