Wow! October is flying by!
I had good intentions of posting all this month, but you know how that goes. Life happens and blog posting does not.

With Fall, shorter days and cooler weather, we've been spending a lot more time in the house, so I decided to do a little decorating.
Pinterest is the place to go for decorating ideas. Beware though - you can't just spend a few minutes on Pinterest. It sucks you right in!
I got the ghost idea from Pinterest. I LOVE a good ghost story. I don't care for slasher movies, Jason, Freddie, but give me a good old ghost story and I'm all for it. There's nothing better than cuddling on the couch with Fonzy and watching a good ole' scary movie!

We decorated the pumpkins at our subdivision Fall Festival. The boys and I made the faces and we told Fonzy he needed to decorate one to complete the family. Guess which pumpkin is his!

Another thing I have all over are twinkle lights! There are pumpkin lights on the fireplace. Purple and orange ones on the bookshelf in our entry way, and purple ones on our bed headboard. I have a slight obsession with twinkle lights.

Home is our happy place. And I want to surround us with happiness. Twinkle lights, cute ghosts and jack o' lantern mums make me happy right now.
I smile everytime I pull up in the driveway and see the jack o' lanterns smiling at me.