Happy New Year!
I've been meaning to write this post since the 1st of January, but you know, life happens. 2011 - a brand spankin' new year. I hope to make 2011 better than 2010. Not that 2010 was bad, but I just want to strive to be better this year. A better wife, mother, knitter, photographer - just a better ME.
I didn't set any new years resolutions, because I never keep them. But there are a few things I want to accomplish this year.
~Learn to knit socks - preferably two at time with magic loop
~Finally take my camera off auto
~Do a 365 photo project - starting on my birthday January 22, on which I will turn 40!
~Do a self protrait every week for my 40th year.
So there you have it. There are other things I want to work on, but it's all about becoming a better ME.