Uh yeah - my poor blog has been neglected! Bad blogger! I've had plenty of posts written in my head, just haven't made it to the blog. But I'm here now, so let's get all caught up shall we.
We are all doing good. Boys finished football and are now in basketball season. Fonzy is back coaching basketball at the middle school, and we are all busy, busy, busy.
Manuel and Carmen are doing ok. Lots of stuff going on in their lives right now. I'm sure he wouldn't want me to tell the world his business, so I will respect his privacy. I just continue to pray for him and hope to see him and sweet Carmen for Christmas.
Thanksgiving was good. Lot's of food and fun with family. All I have is a picture of the food, none of family. Man, I am slacking on the picture taking too! And yes, that is red kool-aid with Thanksgiving dinner. We are keeping it real!

This is our first Christmas in the house. I was so excited to get our tree up and decorated. I ended up not decorating the tree at all. Fonzy and the boys did while I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, we put the tree up on Thanksgiving day. One day earlier than we normally do. We couldn't wait! We have lights and decorations outside too. I took a few pictures, but didn't like how they turned out. I plan on trying again later.

So here we are....all caught up! That didn't take long!