With all the warm, rainy weather we've been having in NC, the tree out back has started to bud. This picture sort of signifies how I am feeling right now. It's a brand new year, a fresh start and I'm ready. I'm not making resolutions, because I never stick to them, but there are some things I want to accomplish this year.
This is my "
not resolutions" list.
~To grow as a Christian, and be an example to everyone.
~To be a better wife
~To spend more quality time with my boys, all four of them. Which may be a little difficult since my older boys are in TX with their Dad, but I can still be more of a presence in their lives than I have been.
~Keep in touch more with my extended family - our family is bad about keeping in touch. I have cousins that I grew up with that I haven't spoken to in over a year. That is unacceptable!
~To write more letters - I was speaking to one of said cousins about how we use to write letters all the time and how we've gotten out of the habit. I'm going to start that back up and reconnect with family, in a more personal way.
~To live a healthier lifestyle - cook healthier meals, and try to exercise more
I could list other things, but this is more than enough for now, don't you think. I don't want to over do it, since these are not resolutions.
For real, they aren't!