I know they say you shouldn't live for the weekends, but I often find myself doing just that. I wish the week away just to get to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Just typing that out makes me cringe! I need to check myself and quit wishing my weeks away. There's nothing I can't do during the week that I do on the weekend, well except sleeping in. Anything else, I can do during the week when I get off work. So no more! I'm going to make a conscience effort to not wish my weeks away. On that note, this past weekend was a good one. Not that we did anything spectacular. Fonzy and I stayed in pjs all day Saturday, but I didn't mind because I had these cute spooky pjs to lounge around in. I worked on my Flax sweater throughout the day, watched college football with Fonzy, napped and cooked. That was our Saturday.
Sunday was rainy and a perfect Fall day. Peep the leaves starting to change! I knit some more on my Flax sweater, along with cleaning, laundry and basically getting ready for the week. Oh, I also cut the fabric for my Emery dress. Yes, I'm still chugging along on that. I figured if I do a little everyday I might have a dress by this weekend. Fingers crossed! Fonzy did yard work most of the day and that was that! Another weekend gone!