“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” – Alex Haley
Being a full-time Grandma is a magical, life changing experience! And keeping it real, very tiring! I forgot what it's like to have little kids in the house, but I'm so happy to have them here and all the wonderful memories we are going to make this summer! I have a tiny bucket list of things I'd like to do and taking a ton of pictures, so I can send them home with a photo book of all our adventures! I've missed the magic of childhood and going to cherish this time we have.
Bucket List
~splash pad - Done!
~ spend the day at a lake
~ board games on the porch
~ baking cookies and cupcakes
~ sidewalk art
~ s'mores and fire pit
~ hiking
~ creek splashing
~ beach trip and visit to Great Grandparents in Florida
~ letter writing back home
~ jump rope
~ catching fireflies
~ reading Sarafina and the Black Cloak
~ sewing lessons
~ maybe knitting lessons
~ fishing
~ roller skating
I have so many more ideas, but I'll stop for now.
Let the magic begin!