This slide show is from our trip to Orlando, to see Dad during Thanksgiving. Yes, I said Thanksgiving and yes it is almost May. Better late than never, right?
April showers bring May flowers, but God sends showers of blessings! The past few weeks have been raining blessings. First, March 30 was to be my last day at my job. Our company was having layoffs and my job was on the list to go. At first I was worried about money, bills, and how we would survive, but I prayed about it and decided not to worry. Well, I can't say I didn't worry, but I tried not to. On my very last day, I was offered a similiar position, with an increase in pay and better benefits. I didn't apply for the job, it came to me! With my new job I get an office instead of cube and a laptop (which I am using right now to post) I know this may seem small to some, but it's blessings to me! During that same week, my computer at home died. There is a Brother in our church who has a computer business, he was able to fix my system, add more memory and tons of software that would of cost bunches.....for free! How great is that! But that is not all! Didn't I say it was raining blessings! We have been in need of a new vehicle. With all my boys, we needed something bigger. Our credit is not the best, but we applied for a loan and was approved! We got a new(not brand new, but new to us) Mercury Mountaineer. It has 3rd row seating, DVD player for the kids and a sunroof (something I wanted) I love it. We have been so blessed! God is sooo good, even when we don't deserve it......