Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus - April 1

We are in the third week of work from home due to the Coronovirus and in just a matter of weeks the world is totally different from what we are use to. Most days I feel like we are OK. We are homebodies, so staying home isn't really that much different for us, but there are some days I watch too much news and my mind runs wild with all the possibilities of terrible things that could happen. It's scary sometimes. When I feel stressed I've been turning to one of my many hobbies, knitting, baking, sewing, letter writing. Anything to take my mind off the madness. I've also started writing notes in my phone of little moments in my day to day to remember this time. How our days are spent, my thoughts, anything I want to remember. I plan on sharing them here on the blog. Today is the first day of little moments in a life. 


The first sip of my morning coffee as I putter across the creaky wood floor to the dining table and computer, my new “office” in these Coronavirus times.

Neighbor coming down the street chasing after her dog. As she gets closer she yells, “ I don’t have the virus” I feel like I’m in a movie

On the couch cuddled close with Fonzy. I’m under a blanket, he lays his head on my shoulder while scrolling through his phone and I’m finally warm after being cold all day

Electric blue nail polish 

Turning on the sewing machine after several long months and sewing my first bodice for a dress. I couldn’t stop smiling at my accomplishment. 

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