Monday, October 14, 2019


I know they say you shouldn't live for the weekends, but I often find myself doing just that. I wish the week away just to get to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Just typing that out makes me cringe! I need to check myself and quit wishing my weeks away. There's nothing I can't do during the week that I do on the weekend, well except sleeping in. Anything else, I can do during the week when I get off work. So no more! I'm going to make a conscience effort to not wish my weeks away. On that note, this past weekend was a good one. Not that we did anything spectacular. Fonzy and I stayed in pjs all day Saturday, but I didn't mind because I had these cute spooky pjs to lounge around in. I worked on my Flax sweater throughout the day, watched college football with Fonzy, napped and cooked. That was our Saturday.

Sunday was rainy and a perfect Fall day. Peep the leaves starting to change! I knit some more on my Flax sweater, along with cleaning, laundry and basically getting ready for the week. Oh, I also cut the fabric for my Emery dress. Yes, I'm still chugging along on that. I figured if I do a little everyday I might have a dress by this weekend. Fingers crossed! Fonzy did yard work most of the day and that was that! Another weekend gone!

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Yesterday was one of those days where everyone at the office seemed to be in a mood! The day dragged on and on and I couldn't wait to leave the stress and foul moods! When it was time for me to go, I ran up out of there!

When I got home, I started dinner then headed out to the porch to enjoy the beautiful Fall day, knitting and a glass of wine in hand. It was in the 60's and Titus and I enjoyed the setting sun and cool weather. We watched neighbors come home from their day of work, check mail and let their dogs out. Titus whined when he saw the neighbors dogs across the street because he wanted to go play! Birds flew in formation in the blue sky, cackling as they went along. I took a deep breathe in, out, and purged the negativity from the office. Knit a few rows, took a few sips and welcomed home Fonzy and Elijah as they pulled into the drive to end their day. I gathered up my stuff and we all headed into the warm house to the smells of dinner.