Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Japan And Letting Go

Japan Zeke and syd
Japan Bound!

japanbound2 Fonzy and boys zeke and titus2 Ezekiel, Sydney and their little dog Cinnamon have landed in Japan! I'm so excited for them and this new adventure/chapter of their lives, but must admit my Momma heart is aching just a bit. Japan seems so far away! And three years seems such a long time. But these two are ready to tackle the world and all it holds for them.

As parents it's so hard to let go. But letting go is part of the deal. We get them for such a short time, and it's so easy when you're in thick of it, to want them to be older. Be more independent. Not need you every minute of every day. But then it happens and you wish to go back in time, do it all over again. But this time around, you'll cherish all the moments and pray time to slow the heck down! I wish this with all my boys.

For Samuel, who we only had for 19 years. I often wonder what he would be like now at 28. Manuel 27, with a family of his own in Texas. How I wish they were closer. Ezekiel 19, married and half way around the world now. To Elijah, the baby at 16, still at home. We have 2 more years with him home, then who knows where life will take him. Soon, so very soon all of them will be living their lives away from us and all we'll have are the memories of the precious few years they were ours.

For those of you with little ones still at home. CHERISH this time. All too soon, it will be gone and you will be wishing for it back.
I sure do.

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