Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No energy, no time, no picture

I know I'm suppose to be posting a picture a day....that is the whole point of a 365 project, right? Right. But as of right now, I have no energy and it seems no time. Life happens and all your good intentions and promises go out the door. I'm not giving up, I have a new camera, and tons of pictures to take, photo books I want to make, books on photography I need to read, a scarf I started knitting, that by the way looks the same as when I started, laundry that needs to be done, an apartment that needs a good cleaning, letters/card that I said I would send out....I could go on and on. It's never ending, but as of right now, at this very moment, I am too tired for anything. I've looked through all my pictures and nothing grabbed me to post, so I'm not posting one today. Tomorrow is a new day, and maybe I will feel inspired and have an awesome picture to post...right now I'm going to bed.

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